3 Good Desk Exercises

Lately, there’s been a huge rise in the popularity of exercises that can be done at offices that are in or out of your home. These activities are also known as desk exercises. If desk exercises sound like they are potentially fun and relatively easy to practice, then good news: they are!

There are a very large amount of desk exercises out there, but we wanted to promote just three that you can try out. When you’re at the office, you don’t have to neglect good health practices while getting important work done. If you implement more desk exercises into your work-life, trust us: you will not regret it any time soon.

1. A Chair Squat

What are you always sitting on at work? If you’re like 99% of the population of workers, the answer is probably a chair. One of the most popular type of exercises is the squat, where you focus on building strength in your lower legs and core of your body. What happens when you mix a squat and chair together? You get a chair squat.

In order to do a proper chair squat, you first sit on a chair. Then, you lift your behind until you’re briefly squatting over the chair for a few moments. You then sit down. You repeat this exercise for however amount of time you desire.

2. You Sit At a Wall

What’s the simplest exercise that you can do that involves squatting, but isn’t done with a chair? Here’s a hint: without this object, you can’t have separate offices. Have you guessed it yet? The other object that you can use to practice squat exercises with is a wall!

An example of a wall exercise is squatting against a wall for a set amount of time before standing up and repeating the squat for a set amount of reps.

3. You Stretch Your Triceps

Your tricep is a type of muscle that’s positioned behind a limb like your arm, and it can assist with elbow stretches. It’s important that you prevent stiffening your arm while you work, and a tricep exercise can do exactly that.

A tricep stretch can be done by raising a left or right arm, and then make it reach the shoulder blade of the respective opposite side of the body. As with the previously listed exercises, you can repeat this exercise for any amount of reps that are necessary.


With this list now available for you to read, there’s no reason to be inactive while you are working at your desk. So, why not give these exercises a shot? Don’t be lazy!

Monday-Friday (8:30am-5:00pm)​
1020 Palm Parkway, Weslaco, TX
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